
We support our customers in complex technological developments in the mobility sector across the entire value chain in development and production, in a wide range of complexity levels and scopes. And we do this with the latest digital technologies.

Our fields of competence

We manage complex interfaces, for example in quality management. We optimize processes, initiate implementation and change processes, or qualify partners and service providers in order to jointly achieve the project goals.

Services, Technical Project Management

To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.

Team Management,
E/E Project Management

To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.

Testing and
Operation of Test Workshops

To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.

CAD and VR/AR Design

To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.

Committee - and

To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.

Technical Project Management

To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.


To et rest, occusti uscias iureperum di doles reribus aut volenis elitiost, nobis aut hilignit quassi.

New impulses

With transparency and clear communication, we are able to set new impulses with a fresh view from the outside. This is how we bring partners together and accompany decision-making processes on the way to successful solutions.

/ Our References Project #1

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rem quunt aut mo mos aliquos delent lamet
harissimpor modit quistion conserum rereper
speraestis as moluptae la illendi ciduci dem
et eturepe llendi dolupta sunde dolupturio.
Neque expliquat od et quid que dolore.

Learn more
/ Our References Project #2

Quis consecto od que nobis doloreh enimin
rem quunt aut mo mos aliquos delent lamet
harissimpor modit quistion conserum rereper
speraestis as moluptae la illendi ciduci dem
et eturepe llendi dolupta sunde dolupturio.
Neque expliquat od et quid que dolore.

Learn more
/ Our References Project #3

Quis consecto od que nobis doloreh enimin
rem quunt aut mo mos aliquos delent lamet
harissimpor modit quistion conserum rereper
speraestis as moluptae la illendi ciduci dem
et eturepe llendi dolupta sunde dolupturio.
Neque expliquat od et quid que dolore.

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/ Our ReferencesCAIP

In this long-term project the WAY Group presents itself as a market entry partner. CAIP is a Chinese group that wants to establish itself in the European automotive industry. The WAY Group creates the best conditions for this.

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/ Our References SVOLT

A project with management and interface responsibility, but above all mechanical know-how in the field of high-voltage storage systems for vehicles. Here, the WAY Group acts as an interface and engineering partner between supplier and manufacturer.

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/ Our References TPMS

A project with great responsibility. Here, the WAY Group handles all testing and approvals with regard to the TPMS (Tire Pressure Management System). All vehicle models of the entire BMW Group are included in this project.

Learn more
Use your full potential!

Become part
of the WAY Group.

We are a team of specialists and experienced generalists from different fields.
Together we take on customer projects or support our customers directly on site.

Do you have questions
or need special advice?


Your Contact

Michael Meier

Team Lead WAY Engineering
+49 (0) 162 239 17 68

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